General Partnership Forms

Note: Please make ALL checks payable to the Florida Department of State

Shown below are forms to assist you in filing with the Division of Corporations.  You have two choices: print out the selected form, then prepare it;  or fill-in the form online, then print it out.  MAIL your completed form with the appropriate fee to the Division of Corporations for processing and filing.

REMINDER: All information you enter on a document submitted to the Division of Corporations will be available on our "public record" web site at

    Partnership Forms:

  1. Registration
  2. Statement of Authority
  3. Amend Registration
  4. Amend Statement
  5. Cancel Registration
  6. Cancellation of Partnership Statement
  7. Statement of Dissociation
  8. Statement of Dissolution
  9. Statement of Denial

    Limited Liability Partnership Forms:

  10. Statement of Qualification for Florida or Foreign LLP
  11. Amend Statement
  12. Cancellation of Partnership Statement
  13. LLP Annual Report
  14. LLP Reinstatement


  15. Florida Partnership into "Other Organization" (s.620.8914,F.S.)
  16. "Other Organization" into Florida Partnership (s.620.8914,F.S.)
  17. Mergers:

  18. Certificate of Merger for Florida Partnership (s.620.8918,F.S.)
  19. Booklets:

  20. Partnerships in Florida (Chapter 620, F.S.)

*If you are using version 3.0 of the Adobe Acrobat reader, you may need to check the "Shrink to Fit" box in the print dialogue window, when printing these forms.